Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Thirteen years ago I was the mother of four growing children. I had the normal checklist of grocery shopping, laundry, cooking meals, making lunches, helping children with homework. I spent a good deal of time shuttling my children to and from school, basketball practices and games, youth group, and an assortment of other lessons, parties, and events. In addition, I was involved in launching a Christian school in our community, mentoring a group of high school girls, working with the high school youth group, and hosting guests in my home multiple times a week.
In other words, my life was full.
One particular day, while I was driving my children to a basketball game, I found myself using that time to plan out the next few things I needed to do. My mind was so occupied that I wasn’t even aware of the conversation my children were having in the backseat. I wasn’t using that time to communicate with them, hear their hearts, or try to understand the things they were dealing with and going through.
I wasn’t all there. I was distracted. Rather than pouring myself into relationships, I was focused on “doing.” I was missing out on the important things going on in my own family.
God has given each of us a certain capacity to deal with our individual lives. How can we give God His proper place if we just “fit Him in”? Aren’t we really saying, “Lord, my activities and stuff are more important that You”? When we do that, we make ourselves higher than God by communicating that our schedule is more important than Him.
If we want to live lives focused on God, we need to reorient our priorities. When we find ourselves at capacity and there is no margin, we need to give something up. Only then will we be free to enjoy the simplicity that is necessary for building relationships with God and our families.


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