In just a few days, my youngest son will leave for college. Waves of emotion come uncontrolably more and more often as the day grows closer. A memory or an object reminds me of him and without warning, tears begin to stream down my face. They come quickly, cascading down my face and my neck. It can happen anywhere—whether I'm alone or in the middle of the grocery store.
The emotions are so intense and deep because there are 19 years of loving and sacrificing for a son who is now grown and ready to go, ready to fly away from the nest that has cared for him and was vigilant to keep him safe and prepare him for this day.
I know he's ready in every way, so the sadness isn’t laden with fear or regret. It’s actually a strange mix of sadness and joy. I can't explain how both emotions can be there so strong and distinctly, but they are.
There is joy because he is ready to go out and accomplish all that the Lord has for him and I know that he has to "go out" from us for this to happen. He is as prepared as we know how to prepare him. Now he will be completely in the Lord's hands, and he's flying off to another place and stage of his life.
There is sadness because he is going to leave a huge hole in both my husband's and my heart and life. His presence brings such happiness and joy. His very presence cheers us up and makes us smile. But there is also joy, deep joy in that I know we will now begin to see the fruit of our parenting labors as they are meant to be seen—our children fully dependent on God.
As you are day by day preparing each of your children to leave your nest, think about how much time you really have left with them. When they are 5 and under, they spend most of their time with you and you have a lot of time to love them and shape their character. When they start school, you have much less time to influence them and others have more input into their lives and character than you do. By the time they reach High School, they have developed other interests and activities, friends and have jobs, all of which take them away from home a larger percentage of their day.
Though your children may still be young, how many "hours of influence" do you still have to build character and a love for our Lord? How are you using this precious time to prepare your children to leave your nest ready to face a world that encourages them to indulge in themselves rather than serving others.
Cherish the hours you have left with your children and be intentional in how you spend them, because they will fly away more quickly than you anticipate.